Dharma: no impact logic
Together, the various activities conducted by the human race significantly affect the stability of the ecosystem. This is why, today, the system of processes connected to our production growth is facing the challenge of reducing its environmental impact in terms of the consumption of natural resources and harmful production emissions. OECE assesses the impact of its activities and products and promotes the best technologies available and a more efficient use of resources by adopting all suitable measures for limiting the effects of its activities on the environment.
For OECE, environmental sustainability means, above all, introducing production processes that reduce emissions and depend less and less on non-renewable sources. We invest in research to increasingly reduce our impact on the environment because the future can only be reached from a present that can regenerate.
This is why OECE has created an integrated program of environmental sustainability called DHARMA.
Its production approach seeks to exploit the most advanced technologies for reducing environmental impact, especially by means of its RAMA technology that uses raw materials from non-fossil sources. The innovative linchpin of this approach rests mainly on the simultaneous use of specially allocated bio-resources and specific bio-renewable sources with compositions and sizes that are clearly defined and can be traced via the C14 method.
The range of waterborne products developed by the OECE laboratories contributes effectively to reducing environmental impact by reducing VOC emissions. Thanks to the LOTO project OECE develops ready-to-use, high, dry residue products that significantly reduce the emission of volatile organic compounds.
With its SAMSARA project, OECE has created a wide range of odour-free, low hazard products, containing low monomer content isocyanates or based on alternative isocyanate-free technology.
This has given rise to a generation of innovative, high performance eco-sustainable products for both indoors and outdoors because we want to imagine a better future without compromising our customary levels of performance.
For OECE, acting in a perfectly eco-compatible manner is a must. Because the inhabitants of this planet should always be able to enjoy clean air and a clear sky .